Please Let Me Be Wrong

My Dear Fellow Americans,

I Cherish this country – flaws and all. We are not perfect, but no country is. My heart truly breaks at the division we have chosen.


The United States of America been in the crosshairs of China’s CCP for decades. They truly hate that we have Liberty to think as we choose. We have watched in horror at the way they have treated the humanity under their heavy domination. We have prayed for those persecuted for their religious beliefs – something we hold dear & is part of the very fabric of our nation and Constitution.

Here is where we are, my friends. The CCP knew that they could not invade the USA, thanks to the forethought of our Founding Fathers who wrote and ratified the 2nd Amendment. Why do you think their own people are denied that right?


Instead of invasion their plan turned to INFILTRATION — which they have already nearly accomplished!

We are NOT Democrats or Republicans — WE ARE AMERICANS!

The very fabric of our Constitutional Republic has already nearly been torn to complete disrepair because of this infiltration. Evidence, you ask? Open your eyes — It’s EVERYWHERE!! We have heard the warnings for decades, yet we slept on, while our elected officials took bribes, were blackmailed, married their women/men.


Are we each willing to say –

“I was mislead.”

“I was wrong.”

“I was deceived.”

“I was asleep.”

“I didn’t care enough.”

I AM!!

I pray that I am wrong. The problem that I face when I try to prove this theory wrong, is the absolute mountain of evidence that is readily available. I find that I just cannot remain silent any longer.

I am not Republican

I am not Democrat.


If anyone can prove this theory wrong with FACTS, not blown-up mainstream media propaganda, then please do!

~Purple Patriot

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